The 2.8 Project

  • Testing Mr-T

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  • Nice Car,great job!
    Short transmission :spitze:
    (Lots of Dollars ;) )


  • all the time - you will always break the weakest link until you replaced all the weak links by reinforced parts, problem will be that there will always be a weak link... and you will find it the hards way

    Buddy of mine had an extremely tuned 1/4 mile car - and 3 gearboxes, one installed, one on the way to or from the workshop, and the third one in the workshop...

    BTW - the workshop was like 3.000 kilometers away...said to be the best, after he went through a few rebuilds he started to have his doubts...

    Have fun and a nice weekend



  • Ilegal, there are no weakest link. All was changed, the gearbox supports 450hp easily, this box is used in Tourism here.
    The problem was that it was badly bundled, and a gear did not entered correclty.
    It was no repaired yet.

    See you soon

  • NEWS! Changed some parts of the engine and configuration and now the car is 265hp fly wheel, 242 hp to the floor.

    New cylinder Head
    New carburetors
    New valves
    New cam
    New compression.
    New Electrical Water Pump.

    I gained 42 hp!!

    Will update videos of the dyno and pics of the engine soon.

    By the way, I AM TAUNUS28!!

  • Zitat

    265hp fly wheel, 242 hp to the floor

    i will see

    - tyres
    - gearbox
    - axes
    - dataplot of both measure

    because I don´t belive this.

  • because every car-manufactor will dance on the table if he can realise only 10% of loss on the drivetrain. because of that. :D

  • because every car-manufactor will dance on the table if he can realise only 10% of loss on the drivetrain. because of that. :D

    FWD nearby 8% on the drivetrain, RWD nb 12% and AWD nb 15 till 18%
    a Fat driver 20% and a ugly co-driver 25%. :uwe:
    This is why i win a street race against a 200 HP TDI AWD Audi with Driverside lower suspension setting and co-driver side darkening only with my 90 HP RWD Ford and a Adonis like me as driver :evillaugh:

  • ahm, no! definitly not! you´ve on a taunus or a granada very much more losses! ask guys like willi. i´m not sure, but i expect he had losses of more than 20%, up to 30%.