• At last it's also snowy man. Russia. Here is just plain cold and annoying. But this year I have a rock'n roll carb on that white bitch, so she just works instead of shaking the crap out of herself for the first 30km in this cold.

  • Hi!

    here we have not a different problems - on the old car, I put a few filters and fuel separator.
    water (condensate from the tank for example) must not fall into the carburetor.
    and manual adjustment of engine starting - automatic freezes and does not correctly work.
    and if cold (-20 and lower), is driven away gently - oil in the gearbox and in rear axle can be frozen.

    At last it's also snowy man. Russia. Here is just plain cold and annoying. But this year I have a rock'n roll carb on that white bitch, so she just works instead of shaking the crap out of herself for the first 30km in this cold.

  • Last year over christmas a buddy of mine had his car standing in my driveway for the time he was on vacation, on 2nd of january he came back and drove... 300 meters. The oil froze and he seized his engine :laugh: . Polo...
    My car was standing next to the VW all the time and nothing happened...

  • hi!

    it is not contagious to other cars ;)
    depends on the oil type.

    Last year over christmas a buddy of mine had his car standing in my driveway for the time he was on vacation, on 2nd of january he came back and drove... 300 meters. The oil froze and he seized his engine :laugh: . Polo...
    My car was standing next to the VW all the time and nothing happened...

  • Da ist so weisses Zeug auf'm Auto und drumherum. Is' so das man mit 75 PS Donuts in die Strasse drehen kann. Und das hier. Also in Köln. Wie weg machen? Wozu gut? Mussas so?

  • Ich hab davon gehört :cursing:
    Kauf dir ein bahnticket, ne dicke Jacke und nen Basi für die Fahrt durch Dortmund :kowa:

  • kalt, was is das?

    ich hab aber auch harte nippel falls du das meinst

  • ich beneide dich um den platz und um den 'kameramann'.
    aber den ton hätteste echt ausblenden dürfen, wie auch die karre :scheissepiek:

    hab heute mal fotoknips aufn mülleimer gestellt und in zeitlupe sowie außerhalb des sichtbaren bereichs rumgekaspert

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  • Hätte ich, aber mir war es heute mal scheissegal welches 75 PS Schrottding im Schnee spielen tut, und da der Sierra lief sah' ich keinen Grund den Granada aus der Garage zu bugsieren.

  • kennste mich nimmer oder interpretier ich fälschlich dezente angepißtheit in deinen text?

    hab dich lieb du müllhaufenfahrer :P