Endlich reich!!!

  • Ich erhielt folgende Nachricht per mail :spitze: ,wer noch? :rolleyes:

    Google Inc.
    Stamford New Road,
    Altrincham Cheshire,
    WA14 1EP
    United Kingdom.

    Winning No: GUK/877/798/2010
    Ticket No: GUK/699/33/2010
    Notification Date: 24/11/2010


    We wish to congratulate you once again on this note, for being part of our winners selected this year. This promotion was set-up to encourage the active users of the Google search engine and the Google ancillary services.

    Hence we do believe with your winning prize, you will continue to be active and patronage to the Google search engine. Google is now the biggest search engine worldwide and in an effort to make sure that it remains the most widely used search engine, we ran an online e-mail beta test which your email address won Ј950,000.00 {Nine Hundred and Fifty Thousand Great British Pounds Sterling}

    We wish to formally announce to you that you have successfully passed the requirements, statutory obligations, verifications, validations and satisfactory report Test conducted for all online winners.

    A winning cheque will be issued in your name by Google Promotion Award Team, You have therefore won the entire sum of Ј950,000.00 {Nine Hundred And Fifty Thousand Great British Pounds Sterling} and also a certificate of prize claims will be sent along side your winning cheque.

    Sir William Andrew
    Foreign Transfer Manager
    Google Promotion Award Team
    Email: sirwilliama101@hotmail.co.uk
    Cell Phone: +44-703-598-8651

    You are advised to contact your Foreign Transfer Manager with the following details to avoid unnecessary delay and complications:


    1. Full Names:
    2. Sex:
    3. Age:
    4. Marital Status:
    5. Nationality:
    6. Residential Address: :
    7. Occupation/Position Held:
    8. Telephone Number:
    9. Fax Number:
    10.Ever won an online lottery?

    Mode of Prize Remittance.

    *Courier Delivery Of your Certified Winning Cheque Name and other Winning Documents safely to you.
    The Google Promotion Award Team has discovered a huge number of double claims due to winners informing close friends relatives and third parties about their winning and also sharing their pin numbers. As a result of this, these friends try to claim the lottery on behalf of the real winners. The Google Promotion Award Team has reached a decision from headquarters that any double claim discovered by the Lottery Board will result to the canceling of that particular winning, making a loss for both the double claimer and the real winner, as it is taken that the real winner was the informer to the double claimer about the lottery. So you are hereby strongly advised once more to keep your winnings strictly confidential until you claim your prize.

    Congratulations from the Staffs & Members of the Google interactive Lotteries Board Commission.

    Dr. Alexander Lloyd
    Google Promotion Award Team

  • neunhundertfuffzigtausend. wie armselig, ich hab schon MILLIARDEN gewonnen. ich hab nur immer verpeilt auf die emails zu antworten.

  • wahrscheinlich isses real, aber ralf muss innerhalb von 2 wochen selber und allein mit dem auto hinfahren und das geld abholen.

  • diese mails krieg ich jeden tag, demnach hab ich also scho 50 mio aufm konto.....
    nur weiss ich leider nicht auf welchem...

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