Hallo aus Frankreich !

  • Hello everybody, :winke:

    My name is Guillaume, 30 years old and I live in France (near Paris).
    There is no francophone forum about Ford Taunus dating before 1970, that's why I register on your forum! :)
    I recently bought a Ford Taunus 20 mts coupé hardtop 1965.
    This is my car :

    I have small problems with this car :

    - she has a little trouble starting,
    - I have problems with electrical cables (turn signals and headlights is low and works randomly)
    - the horn on the steering wheel does not work and the previous owner has replaced by a button on the dashboard ( picture N°2 )
    - the radio and the clock does not work
    - the car have a bump
    - silentbloc and water pump to change
    - scrape the bottom of the car and protect against corrosion

    I think have forgotten a lot of things! :S

    I hope you do not mind if I speak English... I don't speak German, sorry.
    And sorry for the mistakes, I speak little English!


  • Hi Guillaume, :winke:

    welcome to our parallel universe :bla: . Nice car you own. 8)

    The electrical problems maybe result from bad ground connections - is 6V, isn't it?

  • Bonjour Guilleaume, bienvenue au asile! ^^

    T'as une très belle voiture, mes félicitations! :thumbsup:

    Tous ces problèmes sont totalement normales avec ce modèle, il n'y a rien de grâve.
    Si t'as besoin de l'aide, aussi avec des pièces, tu le trouveras bien ici.

    Bon courage! ;)

  • Thanks a lot for your answers. :)
    It's very kind of you!

    No entiendo ninguna palabra... la descripción ocurre español a mí
    mucha diversión aquí

    >> http://translate.google.es/

    The electrical problems maybe result from bad ground connections - is 6V, isn't it?

    Yes, it's 6V.
    First day : Lighting very low, I have scrape all ground in the car > almost all the headlights and turn signal light are returned normal.
    Few days after : one headlight worked low and 2 turn signal lights stopped to working.
    Strange... :wacko:
    There are lot of electrical terminals and terminal block connections for connecting electric cables, i have to redo soon.

  • The best way to handle these problems, in the long run, is to retrofit your car with a 12V system. That 6V shit didn't work well even when these cars were still new ^^ , and I guarantee you'll soon be fed up with fiddling around with dim lights, poor starter performance, and similar stuff.

    The required parts shouldn't be too difficult to obtain, and after a day of work, you'll be rid of a bunch of troubles.

  • Salut, Guillaume! Très belle, ta copine ;)


    - she has a little trouble starting,

    ca veut dire quoi exactement?


    - the car have a bump

    C'est pas grave, normalement... ca depend du dimension et du lieu du creux / bosse.

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von Bonnie ()

  • Hello everybody !! :winke:


    best way to handle these problems, in the long run, is to retrofit your
    car with a 12V system. That 6V shit didn't work well even when these
    cars were still new ^^ , and I guarantee you'll soon be fed up with fiddling around with dim lights, poor starter performance, and similar stuff.

    The required parts shouldn't be too difficult to obtain, and after a day of work, you'll be rid of a bunch of troubles.

    I think the car will stay in 6v, i want to stay in origin.

    Redo everything in 12v must be expensive?

    Tomorrow, I see a friend to give me electric cables ... I'm in a hurry. :seinfeld:

  • Then my girlfriend works in a garage in the service body (Karosserie).
    I will ask if any of his colleagues can look. :rolleyes:

    Perfect choice of a girlfriend :thumbsup:

  • Great car!
    Bless the climate in france (away from the sea) to protect so many great cars that would have been eaten by rust for ages here ;)

  • Je reste appuyé sur l'accélérateur, tout en tournant la clé de contact.


    Au froid, il ne faut pas appuyer l'accelerateur tout le temps! Tu dois le bouger doucement 2 fois, et démarrer ne l'appuyant plus.

    D'ordinaire, il faudra régler l'allumage, le carburateur, et les valves. Une fois ç'est tout fait, elle démarrera parfaitement :spitze:

    Redo everything in 12v must be expensive?

    Not really.
    Basically, you need an alternator, a starter motor, a battery, and a number of light bulbs. If you wish, replace also the wiper motor and heater fan, but that is not really necessary. A friend of mine left the original 6V starter motor in when he converted to 12V. He used to have great starter RPM, and it lasted for years :thumbup:

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von Benno ()