P7 Lichtmaschine

  • Hi!

    Thanks for all deals!
    I'm still waiting for resume for first one, do pause. :)

    Women call to a repairservice:
    - Please send a mechanic. Car will not start.
    - what happens?
    - probably water condensate in the carburetor.
    - Well, where the car is?
    - about five meters from the shore.

    three surgeons talks:
    First: "The most to operate librarians: they have everything there arranged in alphabetical order.
    Second: "No, it is most to operate electricians: they have everything there varies according to color. "
    The third: "But the most to operate with auto mechanics: if after surgery remains something extra, they refer to it with understanding and not indignant

    The girl at a service station. The mechanic asked:
    - And what have you, beautiful?
    - Yes, it jerks and stalls.
    The mechanic opens the hood, underneath note, "She a fool, does not know how to ride. I'm not to pay. HUSBAND"
    The mechanic closes the hood.
    - Sorry, but we can not help anything, you need another service.
    The girl, angrily:
    - What a nonsense, is already in the seventh service denied?!

  • just tested my one today, doesnt charge the battery. seems to be also broken.the bearings are very noisy also.


  • Hei!

    Anyway, thanks for the concern and assistance!

    just tested my one today, doesnt charge the battery. seems to be also broken.the bearings are very noisy also.


    spring come to us, not a warm, but not a cold :)

  • Hi!

    I think, 24.05- possibly the best choice in the calendar.
    May-27 the city birthday - white nights, ships, fountauins, and spring romantic :)

    and 24 May I come to St Petersburg. :)

  • I'm on 24 and 25 in St Petersburg and then to 7.06. in PRIOZERSK.

    Can you tell me your address and your phone number to send via PM, maybe you can meet.

  • Hei!

    and, for some reason I am sure that you flow from Priozersk to St.-Petersburg, due in Priozersk nothing to do
    all Priozersk come to SPb in that days :D -in fact it is a close suburb (only ~140km) :)
    PS mobile# in PN

    I'm on 24 and 25 in St Petersburg and then to 7.06. in PRIOZERSK.

    Can you tell me your address and your phone number to send via PM, maybe you can meet.